Monday, August 18, 2008

Lesson One: Getting to know the program

The very first thing you will want to do is...Download Blender!!!

after blender is downloaded and installed open it.

Blender is what we call a 3D interface or simply a way of making three dimensional objects through a computer. Because it is an interface and has so many options and views and modes and modules, Blender's screen is made up of any combination of windows. The biggest window you will see is called the 3D view window. when editing a specific object in 3D you will almost always work in the 3D view window. when making any edits to the object put your cursor in the 3D view window.

underneath the 3D view window is the Buttons Window. this is the window you will use when altering the specific properties (not the shape or size) of the selected object.

Some may have trouble viewing objects in 3D and grasping their positions in space. One solution to this may be to move your view around the object. to do this, simply place your cursor in the 3D view window and press MMB (middle mouse button) click and drag your view around. another solution may be to change the view from orthographic to perspective. to do this either press number pad button 5 (with num lock on) or go to the view tab in the lower margin of the 3D view window and select perspective.

as a side note, if you forget any of the Hot Keys in blender, you can simply find the action in one of the menus and beside it will be the Hot Keys. in addition to this you can also find hot key lists for Blender online.

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